Who are you?
Since the start of my career, I have been involved in international business consistently and have experienced a variety of gaps – cross-cultural gaps, cross-industry gaps, internal departmental gaps, etc. – in my work in different industries and professions.

The user experience (UX) activity of “providing a great user experience” is also an activity to fill these gaps in social and economic activities.

In today’s society, due to the penetration of the Internet and changes in the socio-economic structure, the barriers among various industries and professions are becoming lower, not only among countries. In 2011, we launched Crossfrontier, Inc. with the hope of being bridges among them, and since then we have been providing UX services to many companies in Japan and overseas.

We celebrate our 10th anniversary in 2020, when social and economic activities have reached a major turning point due to the COVID-19 catastrophe. In the next 10 years, we will keep striving to support you to deal with such changes in the socio-economic environment.


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